National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest

Department of Mechanics "Radu P. Voinea"


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Smart system for structures monitoring and active control (SIMOCA)



PNCDI II contract no. 81-031 / 14.09.2007

Project coordinated by U. P. B.

Duration: 2007-2010

Contract director: Prof. Ion STROE, PhD



Promovarea unei tehnologii de extragere a uleiurilor vegetale, sursa energetica curata de protectie a mediului si de reducere a emisiilor de gaze in urma utilizarii in fermele agricole (TEUV)



PNCDI II contract no. 21-049 / 18.09.2007

Project coordinated by Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Masini si Instalatii destinate Agriculturii si Industriei Alimentare

Duration: 2007-2010

Head of  U. P. B. research team: Prof. Constantin ION, PhD



Reducerea nivelului de zgomot cabina pasagerilor prin optimizarea structurii fuselajului (NORA)



PNCDI II contract no. 71-036 / 2007

Project coordinated by National Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbines

Duration: 2007-2010

Head of  U. P. B. research team: Prof. Ioan MAGHETI, PhD



Vortex methods for simulation of unsteady incompressible flows about wings (VORTEX)



PNCDI II contract no. 81-029 / 14.09.2007

Project coordinated by National Institute for Aerospace Research "Elie Carafoli"

Duration: 2007-2010

Head of  U. P. B. research team: Assoc. Prof. Andrei CRAIFALEANU, PhD



Sistem avansat bazat pe relief artificial pentru orientarea si asistarea aeronavelor (VISUALAND)



PNCDI II contract no. 81-014 / 14.09.2007

Project coordinated by National Institute for Aerospace Research "Elie Carafoli"

Duration: 2007-2009

Head of  U. P. B. research team: Assoc. Prof. Andrei CRAIFALEANU, PhD



Active and semiactive control of vibration - experimental and theoretical result  (DESCAS)



PNCDI II contract no. 71-028 / 14.09.2007

Project coordinated by National Institute for Aerospace Research "Elie Carafoli"

Duration: 2007-2010

Head of  U. P. B. research team: Assoc. Prof. Aurel ALECU, PhD



Evaluarea predictiva a comportarii structurilor unei aeronave pentru securitatea echipajului si a pasagerilor (EVAPRED)



Contract PNCDI II nr. 82-073 / 01.10 2008

Project coordinated by National Institute for Aerospace Research "Elie Carafoli"

Duration: 2008-2011

Head of  U. P. B. research team: Assoc. Prof. Aurel ALECU, PhD



Integrated system for the monitoring and controlled training of the human locomotion (CAMONAL)



Contract PNCDI II nr. 82-089 / 01.10 2008

Project coordinated by Institutul National de Cercetari pentru Sport

Duration: 2008-2011

Head of  U. P. B. research team: Assoc. Prof. Aurel ALECU, PhD



Echipament mecatronic inteligent, autonom de eliminare a depunerilor de zapada pe drumurile de acces secundar in mediu urban (UACUZ)



Contract PNCDI II nr. 72-199 / 01.10 2008

Project coordinated by Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvolatre pentru Mecanica Fina

Duration: 2008-2011

Head of  U. P. B. research team: Assoc. Prof. Mihail BOIANGIU, PhD



Advanced ultrasonic monitoring system for the structural integrity of pipes (



Contract PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0512

Project coordinated by U. P. B.

Duration: 2011-2014

Contract director: Prof. Mihai Valentin PREDOI, PhD






Synergetic system for dynamic launch/recovery of satellite objects (SILROS)



CEEX contract no. 22 / 1 / 20.09.2006

Project coordinated by National Institute for Aerospace Research "Elie Carafoli"

Duration: 2006-2008

Head of  U. P. B. research team: Prof. Ion STROE, PhD



Platforma tehnologica nationala de dinamica spatiala (PTNDS)



Project coordinated by Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Laserilor, Plasmei si Radiatiei

Duration: 2005-2008

Head of  U. P. B. research team: Prof. Ion STROE, PhD



Sistem satelitar permanent cu traiectorie controlata la joasa altitudine (SISATJA)



Project coordinated by Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Laserilor, Plasmei si Radiatiei

Duration: 2005-2008

Head of  U. P. B. research team: Prof. Ion STROE, PhD



Misiunea spatiala a unui microsatelit cu scopuri stiintifice si de explorare (GOLIAT)



Project coordinated by Romanian Space Agency

Duration: 2005-2008

Head of  U. P. B. research team: Prof. Ion STROE, PhD



Sistem de coordonare a activitatilor spatiale prin proceduri de cercetare avansata si management al cunostiintelor (MARKS)



Project coordinated by Romanian Space Agency

Duration: 2005-2007

Head of  U. P. B. research team: Prof. Ion STROE, PhD



Development of new concepts, techniques and skills based on synergic methods for non-invasive evaluation of novel and advanced materials, micro and nanostructured materials; lifetime estimation of structures made with these materials (SINERMAT)



CEEX contract no. 6110 / 2005

Project coordinated by Instututul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Tehnica

Duration: 2005-2008

Head of  U. P. B. research team: Prof. Mihai Valentin PREDOI, PhD



Cercetari avansate privind reducerea nivelului poluarii sonore, in zonele locuite, generata de traficul feroviar si rutier, prin amplasarea de bariere acustice (PANOURIACUSTICE)



Project coordinated by Academia Tehnica Militara

Duration: 2006-2008

Head of  U. P. B. research team: Prof. Mihai BUGARU, PhD



Metoda inovativa de investigatie noninvaziva a alterarilor morfofunctionale in patologia articulara pe baza spectrelor vibroacustice si termice (INOVART)



Project coordinated by Academia Tehnica Militara

Duration: 2006-2008

Head of  U. P. B. research team: Prof. Mihai BUGARU, PhD



Sistem mecanic pentru cuplarea surselor de putere termica si electrica, destinat automobilelor ecologice cu propulsie hibrida (SMCPA)



Project coordinated by Universitatea din Pitesti

Duration: 2006-2008

Head of  U. P. B. research team: Prof. Mihai BUGARU, PhD



Research-developement of innovativ system for amortisation of oscilatory movement of pipes and equipment from nuclear power station (SIMAO)



CEEX contract no. 17 / 27.07.2006

Project coordinated by Regia Autonoma pentru Activitati Nucleare - Sucursala de Inginerie Tehnologica Obiective Nucleare Bucuresti Magurele

Duration: 2006-2008

Head of  U. P. B. research team: Assoc. Prof. Aurel ALECU, PhD



Aero-mechanical analysis and synthesis of a flapping wing MAV; demonstrator (FLAWIAS)



CEEX contract no. 113 / 15.09.2006

Project coordinated by National Institute for Aerospace Research "Elie Carafoli"

Duration: 2006-2008

Head of  U. P. B. research team: Assoc. Prof. Andrei CRAIFALEANU, PhD






Advanced researches in ultrasonic characterization of micro defects in complex geometry structures



CNCSIS grant, theme 9, code 123

Project carried out by U. P. B.

Grant director: Prof. Mihai Valentin PREDOI, PhD



The noise reduction with modern multi-level noise mufflers



CNCSIS grant, type TD, code 374 / 2007

Project carried out by U. P. B.

Grant director: Asist. Prof. Ovidiu VASILE, PhD



Contracts with economic agents



Determinari experimentale privind nivelele de zgomot pentru impingatorul de 2x800CP BOCSA 1 in vederea autorizarii ANR



Contract with SC CNF GIURGIU NAV S.A., U. P. B. internal no. IS-25-08-03

Project carried out by U. P. B.

Contract director: assoc. Assoc. Prof. Mihail BOIANGIU, PhD



Determinari experimentale privind nivelele de zgomot pentru impingatorul fluvial FLUMAR II de 300Kw sI slepul AQUARIUS de 421Kw in vederea autorizarii ANR



Contract with SC INTERAGRO S.R.L., U. P. B. internal no. IS-25-08-08

Project carried out by U. P. B.

Contract director: Assoc. Prof. Mihail BOIANGIU, PhD



Department of Mechanics "Radu P. Voinea", Research Center in Mechanics of Systems, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest,

313 Splaiul Independentei, room BN-01, postal code 060042, Bucharest, ROMANIA, phone: (004)021.402.92.50, email: secretariat at